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Due to government policy for COVID-19 control, particularly specific outlander labor, the regiment allows them to stay and work temporarily with exceptional cause. The cabinet announced and revised their decision on December 29th, 2020 for their management system and adjust Cambodian labors, Laos labors, and Myanmar labors because of improvement in peregrine worker management system. It is importance to amend this announcement for their concordance.


Following Immigration Act 1979 C.E. article 5 paragraph 1, National Council for Peace and Order additionally amended it NO.87/2557 subject to be “addition amendment of caretaker following law related with polices”. The date of enforcement is July 10th 2014, section 17, Immigration Act 1979, Prime Minister and Ministry of Interior by cabinet authority September 28th, 2021. Below are messages.


Cancellation of inner (5) verse 3 announcement of Ministry of Interior subjected “Particularly specific outlander labor, the regiment allows them to stay and work temporarily with exceptional cause.” This is a special case under outbreak of Covid-19 following their cabinet decision. The date of declaration is December 29th 2020 (NO.4) and use this message below.


“(5) Confirmation of request history registration obey laws and regulations about civil registration at Bangkok district office or anywhere else appointed by Department of Administrative Affairs.


Enforcement date : November 1st 2021


Declaration date : November 5th 2021


by Prime Minister of Thailand and Minister of the Interior


Translated by Boon Kusolsomboon (Eugene)
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