Hits: 7314
ISF(10+2) requirements
  we would like to draw your attention to the requirement of ISF(10+2) filing for importation into the USA. ISF filing must be effected latest 24 hours prior to arrival of the outgoing vessel in the Port of Loading, i.e. Rotterdam or Antwerp.
The importer or his customs broker, must fill out following 10 elements:
Manufacturer (or supplier) name and address
2. Seller (or owner) name and address
3. Buyer (or owner) name and address
4. Ship-to name and address
5. Container stuffing location *
6. Consolidator (stuffer) name and address *
7.Importer of record number/foreign trade zone applicant identification number
8. Consignee number(s)
9. Country of origin
10.Commodity Harmonized Tariff Schedule number to six (6) digits

The 2 elements marked with * should be added to the initial ISF filing no later than 24 hrs prior to arrival of the vessel.
We underline  that the Import Security Filing is the responsibility of the Importer, including  private persons, in the USA.